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MVCF Treasurer's Report 2021

Madeline Cooper | Treasurer

The Musselshell Valley Community Foundation (MVCF) is a 501(c) 3 organization. Donations made to the Foundation are tax deductible. As of November 8,2021 cash assets for the Foundation were approximately $598,901.42 The following is a brief description of the value of the various funds held by MVCF.

MVCF Endowment Fund: The value of this fund is currently $418,558.14.

Our endowment fund is held and administered by the Montana Community Foundation (MCF), and it works like a savings account for the Musselshell Valley Community Foundation. Each year MCF transfers a portion of the interest and dividends back to our local Foundation for distribution to worthwhile projects in our area.

MVCF Administration and Special Projects Fund: At this time this fund is valued at $71,000.92 this fund is used for paying bills, grants to organizations, reimbursable grants and special projects. In this fund $27,964.94 is earmarked for qualifying grants for 2021/2022.

Arts and Culture Committee Fund (A&C): The Arts and Culture Committee is a committee of the MVCF. Dollars donated to this fund go directly towards providing artistic and cultural events to the Musselshell Valley, like Shakespeare in the Park. Most of the money raised in this fund is through A&C’s Patrons of the Arts Drive. The A&C fund is currently at $5,529.21.

Roundup Independence Days Extravaganza Fund (RIDE): The RIDE committee is the group that brings entertainment to Roundup during the 4th of July holiday. The RIDE fund is currently at $79,204.02.

Roundup Community Partners (RCP): RCP has been working hard on bettering our community.

They have recently updated several brochures that are placed around town. This group’s fund is currently at $3,269.44.

Musselshell County Recovery Team (MCRT): This committee is essential for our community to help with our county disasters. The total amount available in this fund is $19,346.92

Swimmers Forever: This fund is currently at $936.29

Roundup Market On Main : This fund is currently $1,056.48

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 Musselshell Valley Community Foundation | P.O. Box 713. Roundup, MT. 59072

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